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  • Categories:联系我们
  • Time of issue:2019-10-29 00:00:00
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Description: Sichuan YiNeng KS Environmental Protection Technology co., LTD   Add: No. 8 Yuren West Road, Jinniu District, Chengdu, Tel:Mr.Wang:13880378298    Mr.Wang:13688432724    Mr.Chen:13398153800 P.C: 610000       //初始化地图对象,加载地图 var map = new AMap.Map("mapContainer", { resizeEnable: true, mapStyle: 'amap://styles/normal', //二维地图显示视口 view: new AMap.View2D({ //地图中心点 center: new AMap.LngLat(104.016921, 30.701124), //地图显示的缩放级别 zoom: 15 }) }); map.setLang('zh'); //地图中添加地图操作ToolBar插件 map.plugin(["AMap.ToolBar"], function() { var toolBar = new AMap.ToolBar(); map.addControl(toolBar); }); //地图初始化时,在地图上添加一个marker标记,鼠标点击marker可弹出自定义的信息窗体 //坐标拾取链接 https://lbs.amap.com/console/show/picker addMarker(); //添加marker标记 function addMarker() { map.clearMap(); var marker = new AMap.Marker({ map: map, //位置 position: new AMap.LngLat(104.016921, 30.701124), //复杂图标 icon: "https://webapi.amap.com/images/0.png" }); //鼠标点击marker弹出自定义的信息窗体 AMap.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { infoWindow.open(map, marker.getPosition()); }); setTimeout(function() { infoWindow.open(map, marker.getPosition()); }, 1000); } //实例化信息窗体 var infoWindow = new AMap.InfoWindow({ isCustom: true, //使用自定义窗体 content: createInfoWindow('四川益能康生环保科技有限公司', "地址:四川省成都市金牛区育仁西路8号1栋13F汪先生:13880378298汪先生:13688432724陈先生:13398153800"), offset: new AMap.Pixel(16, -45) //-113, -140 }); //构建自定义信息窗体 function createInfoWindow(title, content) { var info = document.createElement("div"); info.className = "info"; // 定义顶部标题 var top = document.createElement("div"); var titleD = document.createElement("div"); var closeX = document.createElement("img"); top.className = "info-top"; titleD.innerHTML = title; closeX.src = "https://webapi.amap.com/images/close2.gif"; closeX.onclick = closeInfoWindow; top.appendChild(titleD); top.appendChild(closeX); info.appendChild(top); // 定义中部内容 var middle = document.createElement("div"); middle.className = "info-middle"; middle.style.backgroundColor = 'white'; middle.innerHTML = content; info.appendChild(middle); // 定义底部内容 var bottom = document.createElement("div"); bottom.className = "info-bottom"; bottom.style.position = 'relative'; bottom.style.top = '0px'; bottom.style.margin = '0 auto'; var sharp = document.createElement("img"); sharp.src = "https://webapi.amap.com/images/sharp.png"; bottom.appendChild(sharp); info.appendChild(bottom); return info; } //关闭信息窗体 function closeInfoWindow() { map.clearInfoWindow(); }
Description: Sichuan YiNeng KS Environmental Protection Technology co., LTD   Add: No. 8 Yuren West Road, Jinniu District, Chengdu, Tel:Mr.Wang:13880378298    Mr.Wang:13688432724    Mr.Chen:13398153800 P.C: 610000       //初始化地图对象,加载地图 var map = new AMap.Map("mapContainer", { resizeEnable: true, mapStyle: 'amap://styles/normal', //二维地图显示视口 view: new AMap.View2D({ //地图中心点 center: new AMap.LngLat(104.016921, 30.701124), //地图显示的缩放级别 zoom: 15 }) }); map.setLang('zh'); //地图中添加地图操作ToolBar插件 map.plugin(["AMap.ToolBar"], function() { var toolBar = new AMap.ToolBar(); map.addControl(toolBar); }); //地图初始化时,在地图上添加一个marker标记,鼠标点击marker可弹出自定义的信息窗体 //坐标拾取链接 https://lbs.amap.com/console/show/picker addMarker(); //添加marker标记 function addMarker() { map.clearMap(); var marker = new AMap.Marker({ map: map, //位置 position: new AMap.LngLat(104.016921, 30.701124), //复杂图标 icon: "https://webapi.amap.com/images/0.png" }); //鼠标点击marker弹出自定义的信息窗体 AMap.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { infoWindow.open(map, marker.getPosition()); }); setTimeout(function() { infoWindow.open(map, marker.getPosition()); }, 1000); } //实例化信息窗体 var infoWindow = new AMap.InfoWindow({ isCustom: true, //使用自定义窗体 content: createInfoWindow('四川益能康生环保科技有限公司', "地址:四川省成都市金牛区育仁西路8号1栋13F汪先生:13880378298汪先生:13688432724陈先生:13398153800"), offset: new AMap.Pixel(16, -45) //-113, -140 }); //构建自定义信息窗体 function createInfoWindow(title, content) { var info = document.createElement("div"); info.className = "info"; // 定义顶部标题 var top = document.createElement("div"); var titleD = document.createElement("div"); var closeX = document.createElement("img"); top.className = "info-top"; titleD.innerHTML = title; closeX.src = "https://webapi.amap.com/images/close2.gif"; closeX.onclick = closeInfoWindow; top.appendChild(titleD); top.appendChild(closeX); info.appendChild(top); // 定义中部内容 var middle = document.createElement("div"); middle.className = "info-middle"; middle.style.backgroundColor = 'white'; middle.innerHTML = content; info.appendChild(middle); // 定义底部内容 var bottom = document.createElement("div"); bottom.className = "info-bottom"; bottom.style.position = 'relative'; bottom.style.top = '0px'; bottom.style.margin = '0 auto'; var sharp = document.createElement("img"); sharp.src = "https://webapi.amap.com/images/sharp.png"; bottom.appendChild(sharp); info.appendChild(bottom); return info; } //关闭信息窗体 function closeInfoWindow() { map.clearInfoWindow(); }
Sichuan YiNeng KS Environmental Protection Technology co., LTD
Add: No. 8 Yuren West Road, Jinniu District, Chengdu,
   Mr.Chen :13398153800
P.C: 610000

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The company upholds the concept of “All rivers run into sea,Tolerance is a virtue”, welcomes new talents and embraces new technologies. With the tenet of "all for technological progress and all for customer satisfaction",

Address: No. 8 Yuren West Road, Jinniu District, Chengdu,

Customer service hotline:

Mr. Wang:13880378298

Mr. Wang:13688432724
Mr. Chen :13398153800